Understanding Triangles - Angles of a triangle, Properties of a Triangle, Triangle Theorems

Triangles are very important to understand as knowledge of Triangles is tested in most of the major academic and competitive exams. 

Triangle is one of the polygons as it is a closed shape made up of line segments. Triangles are three-sided shapes. 

There are two types of triangles - Scaler, Isosceles, right Triangle. 

  • Isosceles Triangles (45-45-90 Triangle) - These triangles have two sides equal
  • Equilateral Triangles (30-60-90 Triangle) - These triangles have all sides equal

Properties of a triangle - 

1. The sum of all three angles of a triangle is equal to 180 degrees. 

2. Sum of any two sides is always more than the length of third side. 



Pythagorean Theorem / Pythagorous Theorem for Triangles- 

a2 + b2 = c2 

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