What is a indefinite pronoun? Definition, Examples of indefinite pronouns

Indefinite pronoun is a type of 8 proniuns that doesn't refer to anything or any person specifically, something which we expect pronouns to do it as pronouns are the ones that replaces nouns and acts as subjects or objects in place of nouns. 

There is a set of indefinite pronouns that are created using quantifier or distributive prefixed by every, any, some and no.

Everything is a little vague when it comes to Indefinite pronoun, like someone is used, when who exactly? when some is used, then how much exactly? 


Indefinite pronouns are used for variety of cases (can be grouped in multiple ways so no specific no. of types) - 

1. Use Indefinite pronouns to refer to an unknown person - Someone, anyone 

2. Use Indefinite pronouns to specify an unspecified thing/ unspecific amount of things - Some, Most, Several, Something,

3. Use indefinite pronouns to refer to absoluteness or absence of something - Nothing, everything

4. Use indefinite pronouns to singling out the options - Each, Either, Neither

5. Use indefinite pronouns to show multiple possibilities - any, anybody



  Person Place THING



everywhere everything








anywhere anything

no one


nowhere nothing


There are singular and plural indefinite pronouns - 


Most of the indefinite pronouns are singular even though they seem to refer multiple people or things. As some singular indefinite pronouns may refer to both single or mutiple people or things, for proper Subject-Verb Agreement, we must know which indefinite pronouns are used with singular verb and which ones are to be used with plural one.

Largest group of indefinite pronouns are singular in nature even when they seem to be referring to multiple items or people.

Singular indefinite pronouns

  • (Someone) Somebody called me today.
  • Please pass me some honey.
  • Is anyone there?


Plural indefinite pronouns - There are indefinite pronouns always in plural form which uses Plural verb.

  • I have listed several items in the list. 

Some indefinite pronouns can be either singular or plural depending on the context provided.



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